Sunday, April 12, 2009

My new home base of Decatur

Since we moved to Decatur a little over two weeks ago I have run in my new neighborhood four times and ended up lost twice. Today's excursion was supposed to be a touch over five miles and ended up, after getting lost three times, being right around six miles. Decatur also has quite a few more hills than Chatham so a six mile jaunt through town sees me run up at least twice as many hills as my 6 mile route back in Chatham.

The weekend after we moved here I ran a small 5K down the road a bit. It was the LSA 5K and I placed 3rd overall and 1st in my age group in 20:43. I've been fighting a bit of sciatica and hamstring issues and not training very much due to work, school, newborn and moving so I am happy with the result though I think I could have run at least ten seconds faster.

I've been doing calisthenics and working out on the Total Gym pretty consistently so between that and the extra mileage I will get in from getting lost maybe I'll become injury free and faster this year on the infrequent occasions I will race.