Sunday, April 12, 2009

My new home base of Decatur

Since we moved to Decatur a little over two weeks ago I have run in my new neighborhood four times and ended up lost twice. Today's excursion was supposed to be a touch over five miles and ended up, after getting lost three times, being right around six miles. Decatur also has quite a few more hills than Chatham so a six mile jaunt through town sees me run up at least twice as many hills as my 6 mile route back in Chatham.

The weekend after we moved here I ran a small 5K down the road a bit. It was the LSA 5K and I placed 3rd overall and 1st in my age group in 20:43. I've been fighting a bit of sciatica and hamstring issues and not training very much due to work, school, newborn and moving so I am happy with the result though I think I could have run at least ten seconds faster.

I've been doing calisthenics and working out on the Total Gym pretty consistently so between that and the extra mileage I will get in from getting lost maybe I'll become injury free and faster this year on the infrequent occasions I will race.


Nate M. said...

Happy to hear that you are settling in, and those hills will keep you from getting soft in your old age.

Aaron said...

Here's hoping that the hills make me stronger instead of weaker.

Van 1- Hall said...

Decatur??? I'll remember to spit out the window everytime I drive through on the way home.

Aaron said...

Sounds good. Sometimes you have to spit because it smells so bad you can taste it.

Nate M. said...

Are you familiar with Sufjan Stevens song about Decatur? I think that should be cranking on your iPod on all runs.

Aaron said...

I have the CD but I can't hear the song in my head for some reason. I'll have to listen to it again. At this point I am a little nervous to run with my iPod as the traffic is a bit more frequent here than in Chatham. I haven't found a good, quite, out of the way place to run yet.