Sunday, September 23, 2007

Time Off

I've been slacking on my posts lately but, to tell the truth, there hasn't been a whole lot to post about since the PPR. The week after the PPR I was in my training conference and that weekend I ran the Shoreline Classic 15k in Decatur. I hadn't run a 15k since Steamboat in 1999 where I ran 1:03:16 after a training cycle that consisted of running about 15 miles a week as fast as I could with my long runs consisting of a few seven milers.

My training has gone a little better than that this summer but, unfortunately, I am also eight years older than I was when I ran Steamboat back in the Nineties. I entered the Shoreline Classic leading my age group (25-29) in my running club's points series standings. I had the guy in second beat, there was no way he was going to catch me in the last four club races as he hadn't beaten me all season. The guy in third, my buddy, the illustrious Iron Tim was back in third and had a chance to tie me and win on tie-breakers as long as he ran the last four races of the series and won our age group each time. Tim is a very solid competitor (12:02, 19:07, 41:20, 1:35 and a Full Ironman Finisher in 11:58) and there was a pretty good chance he could pull it off. Tim owns a 3-2 record against me his losses to me came at Steamboat, where he picked up his race packet 10 minutes before the start and got the the line right as the gun went off and started the race behind a few thousand people. The other loss came at the PPR 13 days after completing his Ironman.

His very convincing wins came at the Lincoln Memorial Half Marathon in early April where he obliterated me, 1:35 to 1:44. Win number two came at the Passavant/Powerade 10k where he won 41:20 to 42:16 and his third win came at the Scholastic Challenge 5k, 19:07 to 19:25.

Tim ended up skipping the Shoreline Classic to nurse his knee and I had the points series clinched before the gun went off. It ended up being a little anti-climatic.

I started off the race with a 7:08 mile and then spent the next two miles chatting with people in the club. I covered those miles in 7:18 and 7:50. When I hit 5k in 23:05 I decided that I should probably kick it up if I wanted to run close to seven minute pace like I had intended.

I ran the rest of the race in 7:20, 6:48, 6:46, 7:11, 6:59, 6:47 and 1:53 for a total time of 1:06:06 which is 7:05 pace. Mission accomplished.

I ran my last two 5k splits in 21:38 and 21:23 for a total 10k time of 43:01.

I took the next four days off after Shoreline and didn't run again until Friday when I ran 3 miles in 24:58. Yesterday morning I ran 7 miles in 56:33. This week I am going to run easy miles and then I intend to ramp it up a little to get some training in for one last attempt at going under 19:00 for 5k at the Jingle Bell Run on November 17th. I can't let that 19:02 at Havana stand, I need to dip under so I can focus on the 6:00 barrier next season.


Nate M. said...

If you're looking for a good 5K PR course next year, I highly recommend the Manito Popcorn Festival. It would be a bit of a hike from Chatham, but maybe it would be worth it for a PR!!! I ran my personal 5K PR there in 1996, and I'd estimate that it's about 10 seconds faster than the PPR course. The race is run on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. It's a two loop course with no real hills and just two gentle rises. Don't expect big numbers of participants, but do expect to run fast.

I'm glad that you enjoyed Autumn Shoreline. My dad ran that race a few times in the early 90s and loved it. As I mentioned in my email, I ran it in 1999, but I have to say that I don't remember the course very well (other than the last half mile or so).

Aaron said...

I've heard that the Popcorn Festival 5k is a fast course. I've looked at the times and they always seem to be pretty quick. The drive is a deterent though. I may think about it next year just because I am open to new experiences.

Shoreline was fun. I'd have a hard time getting ramped up to race it though because it seems to fall a week or so after the PPR every year. A hard 5k followed a week later by a hard 15k would push the envelope for me. I think I could have run Shoreline a little faster but I don't think I would have had as much fun.

Anonymous said...

I think when I ran it, it may have been a little later. I suppose that would make sense, it being named the AUTUMN shoreline classic and all.