Sunday, May 13, 2007

Recap and Preview

Since today was Mother's Day I got up at 0530 with my son and took care of him so my wife and mother-in-law could sleep. He got pretty fussy around 0630 and my mother-in-law woke up and took him from me. She took him to the spare room with a bottle and put him back to sleep. I put coffee on and when she came back out we drank coffee and read the paper. Everyone was wide awake an hour later when Nathan let out a blood-curdling scream. I think he woke up in a room he usually doesn't wake up in and was a little disoriented.

After getting ready and making themselves prettier my wife and M.I.L. left Nathan and me asleep on the bed and went out to buy flowers. Four hours and a walk around the sub-division later they came home. I left Nathan with them and went to Shop-Ko to buy my wife a rose tree that she wanted for her anniversary present. Nevermind that I'm about 11 days early, I wanted to make sure I got her what she wanted. I got pictures of me and the boy with a nice frame for her Mother's Day present. I'm hoping that she gets me an iPod Shuffle for me for our anniversary, Father's Day or my birthday because I've been dropping hints for a few days. I want an orange one. Since all three of those days are within four weeks of each other I would be happy just getting the Shuffle as my combo present for all three. Although a "World's Greatest Dad" baseball hat would be cool too.

I covered 29 miles this week and have a total for the year of 493.25 miles. Which is 109.25 miles further than last year at this time. Week 19 of last year I covered 33 miles with 4 mile tempo run (8 miles total) at 85% in 31:12 with splits of 7:47, 7:42, 7:54, and 7:48. Keep in mind I was coming off an injury last year and hadn't revved my engine for awhile. The damn HR monitor was a ball-and-chain too. I also did 5x800 in 3:17.92, 3:17.54, 3:15.84, 3:15.55, and 3:08.83 for an average of 3:14.95. I also had a 10 mile long run in 1:26:25 where I ran the first five in 43:55 and the last five in 42:30. It was frigid last year at this time compared to the present with the hottest day I ran being 60 as opposed to 82. Looking ahead in last years log, when it finally did heat up my training crashed for a week or two as I adjusted to the heat. It was pretty ugly.

This week's outlook calls for 6x400 at 1:27 tomorrow, an easy 4 miles on Tuesday, a 4 mile tempo at 6:51-7:00 pace on Wednesday, a goose egg on Thursday, an easy four on Friday and a nice 10 mile jaunt on the Interurban Trail on Saturday. If all goes well this week I will cover 30 miles and have gotten in some good quality work. I have 20 days until the Passavant/Powerade 10k in Jacksonville and I would like to run MUCH faster than my showing at Abe's Amble. I'm not going to make any predictions but I'm hoping for a considerable time drop.

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