Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tired boy

We started taking my son to a new daycare place and we've been getting up early to get him ready the last few days. Ironically, he has been sleeping through the night the last few nights and Kim and I are both more tired than usual.

I ran a ladder workout on the Glenwood High School track Monday night because the Middle School track was locked up. I have only run a workout on the high school track twice before because they keep it locked up tighter than Fort Knox. This irritates me because I live right across the street from the high school track and I pay about $4,000 a year in property taxes and I can't run on the track that I am funding because it is locked up.

Anyway, I ran my ladder workout that consisted of 2x200, 400, 2x800, 400, and 2x200. Each workbout was follwed by a recovery jog the distance of the repeat. I ran a two mile warm-up in 15:50, which was too fast. It was 82 with winds 14mph out of the south and 18% humidity. Heat Index was 80. My times were as follows: 44.62 (1:10), 44.00 (1:11), 1:27.43 (2:36), 2:56.69 (6:08 changed into flats), 2:54.86 (5:00), 1:26.14 (2:46), 42.05 (1:30), 41.58 (1:26). I jogged a mile cool down in 8:53 and went home.

Tonight I ran an easy four miles in 84 degrees, SSE 20 gusting to 27mph, and 27% humidity. I ran splits of 8:42, 8:31, 8:27 and 8:25 for a total time of 34:05. I followed the run with some easy stretching and only one rep of my circuit training routine. I didn't feel up to it today.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to run 10 miles before work but I think getting up at 0400 is going to kill me. I may run seven and then do three more in the afternoon.

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