Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Different Type of Cold

I abbreviated my easy week of training due to a very bad head cold this weekend. It started up on Thursday afternoon and was kicking my butt by Friday morning. After a busy day at work, starting at 0600 to open our outpatient imaging/mammography center and continuing into covering both CT and x-ray in the Emergency Department while running herd on two radiography students (until 1130 when I only covered ED x-ray) and finishing at 1430, I was bushed. Huge run-on sentence there. The preceding was probably a fragment.

Saturday morning I spent in bed until 1030 and after being out of bed for awhile I drug myself outside for a six miler. It was a fairly nice day, when compared to the weather we've been having here in Illinois, with temps hanging right around freezing and no wind.

I ran at a very relaxed pace and trotted out miles of 8:15, 16:24 (two miles actually, I forgot to take my split), 8:23, 8:07 and 8:01. I worked a ton of the congestion out and ended up putting it right back in at the annual party that our radiologists throw for us. I ate a pretty decent dinner and washed it down with two MGDs, a cup of coffee and a James Bond martini (Vodka, gin, and a slice of lemon peel. Shaken, not stirred).

I actually haven't run since then but I'm still hoping to get my key workouts of a five mile tempo run at 6:45-6:55 pace and a nice 13 mile long run.

In ten days I run my 5k in Decatur. That week I'll probably run a few 1000 meter repeats and an 8 or 9 miler in the days prior. We'll see how fast I can run with slightly tired legs.


Nate M. said...

Sorry to hear that you haven't been well. I'm excited to hear about your 5K.

In typical fashion, I decided to bail on the April 10K... because I found March 30 half marathon that looked like fun. The plan is to treat it as a brisk long run not a race.

Aaron said...

Ooo, that half marathon is the weekend before mine. We'll have to compare notes?

Do you have a prediction for your brisk long run?

I ran an easy five today in 41:37. I felt a little sluggish but 3 days off will do that. I also overdressed for the conditions and got hot.

It is supposed to warm up to the low 50s by next Tuesday and we're supposed to have temps in the mid forties this weekend. Hopefully winter is moving on.

Nate M. said...

Glad to hear that you're finally going to get a break in the weather. You've earned it. We finally have some cooler temperatures. It's cold and windy today and will be again tomorrow, but comparatively, it's still not bad (highs around, lows in the 20s).

As for the half, I don't know. It's a moderate course, and I'm doing most of my long runs on pancake flat rails-to-trails paths, so that's definitely a consideration. A buddy of mine ran it in 1:39 two years ago, and I do think I'll be in better shape than he was then.