Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lectures and coffee

I made it to my inservice this morning and actually learned or re-learned quite a bit about our computed radiography system. It only took my regular two cups of coffee at home PLUS a nice 12 oz. cup of Panama coffee from the Bean Counter at the hospital to make it through. Did you ever have a guy in college or high school who would fall asleep almost daily in class and still do reasonably well in the course? I'm that guy. I got so good at falling asleep when I was in the service that I could fall asleep standing at Parade Rest. I knew a girl who could sleep as we marched to class and I didn't believe it until I witnessed it myself. I never attained that level of proficiency.

I got up yesterday morning and ran an easy 5.25 miles in 43:36. Why 5.25 miles you ask? I ran my five mile course backward and the 5 mile mark is a quarter mile, or more, from my house so I just counted it all. I hit my splits in 2:23, 8:29, 8:22, 8:19, 7:57, and 8:06. The last few miles were faster because there was lightning moving in from the Northwest that was getting alarmingly close and I didn't want to become part of the small percentage of the population that gets hit by lightning.

This morning I got up at 0430 and ran an 8 miler. It was 72 with WSW 6 mph winds and 93% humidity. It actually felt pretty nice outside in spite of the humidity but I could have done without the cloudburst from the 3.5 to 4.5 mile marks. I started off easily and stiffly in 8:48, 8:23, 8:14, 8:15, 7:56, and since I have no idea where the 6 and 7 mile marks are at, 24:56 over the last three miles for a total time of 1:06:33.

I have 27.25 miles for the week which gives me 899.25 for the year. I am tempted to go and run another .75 just so I can have an even 900. Maybe tomorrow morning I'll do that as a warm-up for some yoga. I'll only need 500 miles in 18 weeks to hit 1400 for the year. I'll have to average about 27 miles a week the rest of the year though. 1400 is possible but I'll have to be careful.

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