Monday, August 20, 2007


I ran four miles after I got home today and I could really feel the pounding my lower legs took on the downhills at yesterday's race.

The Weather Channel said it was 77 with winds NNE3 and 83% humidity but the Weather Channel was lying. My thermometer said 83 and the school's said 85. It was certainly humid and there wasn't a whole lot of wind and it made for a heavy, wet and sluggish run.

I covered my four in 33:25 with splits of 8:23, 8:21, 8:24 and 8:17. I loosened up and felt pretty good which means that tomorrow's five miler is going to suck because of the two day lag.

I think that Wednesday, if I feel good after a two mile warm-up, that I will run some 400 meter repeats. I want to hit some fast and short reps to tune up for the PPR in about three weeks. I'll probably do a seven or eight mile long run this weekend but I'm not going to continue to do two hard workouts and a long run every week. I may up the intensity again in October to close out the year on a good note at the Jingle Bell Run and the Frostbite Festival.


Nate M. said...

I'll be excited to hear how things go at the PPR. With good weather, it can be a PR course.

As for me, I went over 20 miles last week for the first time since late March, 2006. I'm pretty happy.

Aaron said...

20 miles a week, nice. How many miles did you get on the bike?

PPR is an awesome course. They had every quarter mile marked last year and I think that will help me stay on pace the last mile when I'm starting to hurt. I'm shooting for 18:50, I'm pretty sure that if I get a day like last year I can hit that time.

Even when I'm in major pain I can cover the last 0.1 in 35 seconds so if I can run 6:00, 6:10 and 6:05 mile splits. . . that would be awesome.

One of my pals a few summers ago had a breakout race at the PPR. I've run times similar to his this summer, except he ran a 5:12 mile that year. Our two mile times are pretty close and I may have run a faster 10k but he ran 18:55 at the PPR and then came back the next weekend and ran a sub-1:03 15k.

Nate M. said...

No miles on the bike.

Unfortunately, biking is more time-intensive than running. As soon as I put on my cycling cleats, I've pretty much committed myself to 2 hours. Throwing my shoes on for a 40-minute run is just a heckuva' lot more convenient right now.

If the oppressive heat we're having down here ever breaks, I'll go back to riding at least one day on the weekends, but for the foreseeable future, I'll be running a lot more frequently than I'll be riding.