Monday, August 13, 2007


I haven't done my weekly reviews for two weeks now so I figured I ought to do that for today's post.

I haven't really done anything.

I kid, I kid.

I took a few days off the week before the Parade Run to rehab my left knee and get that healthy as I am heading into the three races I circled on my calendar: the Parade Run, Abe's Amble and the Polka Pace Race. I had/have goals of 12:00, 41:30 and 18:50 for these respective races. I accomplished goal #1 of 12:00. Even if they didn't get the times right at the Parade Run my watch read 12:00.10 after I clicked it late going across the finish line. My finger slipped and I missed the button.

The 41:30 goal for Abe's came about because I think that saying sub-41:00 was a little ambitious because I would have to take well over a minute off of my current best of 42:16 on a difficult course. I think that sub-41:00 is possible but the forecast doesn't look great.

18:50 is the goal for the PPR because I think I'm wussing out only going for 41:30 at Abe's and if I tell myself that 19:00 is the goal at the PPR I'll only run 19:00 instead of 18:59. Last year at the PPR I told myself 19:40 was the goal even though I just wanted to break 20:00 and I ended up running 19:35. Maybe I was selling myself short.

Anyway, after doing the rehab on my knee July 29th through July 31st I ran an easy four in 33:38 on August 1st along with my exercises, more rehab on the 2nd, another easy four in 32:14 (I couldn't slow down) on the 3rd and eight miles in 1:06:03 on the 4th with a side of knee rehab.

I covered 16 miles that week.

Last week I ran five miles in 41:50 on Monday, four in 33:26 on Tuesday, nothing at all on Wednesday, raced in the Parade Run on Thursday, and an easy four in 34:05 with knee rehab on Thursday that gave me a nice case of two-day lag on Saturday morning's seven miler.

Saturday morning's seven miler was run in 59:00 after getting off to an extremely stiff 8:50 first mile and then easing into 8:31, 8:24, 8:28, 16:46 (forgot to hit my split, I did that a lot last week), and 8:01. I also did knee rehab afterward and twice on Sunday.

In case you're wondering, the knee feels much better.

Tomorrow I am going to get up and do an easy four or five but I won't time it because every single Timex Ironman watch I own, three of them to be exact, have dead batteries. I even replaced one of the batteries and it worked for a few weeks until last night when it let out a few feeble beeps and went blank. I went to the Running Warehouse and bought a new watch because they have good prices and free two day delivery to the CONUS. My new 30-lap Ironman should be here on Wednesday and in time for Abe's Amble.

Wednesday I'm going to run another four or five with a few 2-3 minutes pick-ups. Thursday will be an off day, Friday an easy three or four and Saturday will be a VERY easy three with a few strides afterwards to keep me loose for the main event on Sunday morning.


Nate M. said...

My watch works, but it's got big chunks pieces of plastic hanging off of it... and it's not even 2-years old. What a piece of junk.

Aaron said...

I got one of my watches too work last night but the other one, the one I like, still won't work despite the brand new battery I put in it.