Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Back on the road

I rolled myself out of bed this morning, after being up-and-down with my teething son, and ran four easy miles. I've been doing my rehab exercises for my knee that I was prescribed six years go when I had a bad case of runner's knee. I also did the Core Secrets workout with Gunnar Peterson except I did it by myself because I can't stand Gunnar on the DVD. Lots of core work along with squats and lunges which is good for my back and my knees.

The knee hasn't had as much crepitus while squatting or extending it but I was a little nervous as I set out on my run. My knee only hurts for a few blocks once I start but will start getting sore after running for much over an hour. I think my knee thought about being sore but decided not to and I completed my run in 33:38 with splits of 8:38, 8:24, 8:16 and 8:21.

After returning home I took a shower and then had probably the best ever cup of hazelnut creme coffee as I got my son's bottles ready for daycare.

Funny story about Nathan, he is a little troublemaker and likes to change the channels on the TV and dig in the potted plants. When he does those things he gets scolded and moved away from the censured activities. His scolding is usually a variation on "NATHAN! No, no!" My lovely thirteen month old son, upon hearing his name in a higher-than-usual register, will turn, point his index finger at me and say, "Doh!" He doesn't say "doh" like Homer Simpson does when he screws up, he says it like a little boy does when he's learning to say "no". I think the finger being thrust at me as he says "doh!" is a nice touch. I can't decide if he's finishing my sentence or telling me not to scold him. Either way, I think he's being insolent.

I haven't decided yet if I am going to run tomorrow morning or if I am going to skip it like I usually do on Thursdays. I'm leaning toward skipping it just to give my knee another day to chill. Friday I'll do an easy five and Saturday, if the knee still feels good, I'll run for an hour or so and get seven or eight miles in. I'll continue the easy running through the next few weeks except for the Parade Run next Thursday and Abe's Amble ten days after that. I'll probably do a fartlek and a short tempo run somewhere in there too if I feel good. About three weeks after Abe's Amble is what is probably my new favorite race, the Polka Pace Race. I think I like the PPR because it goes by my grandparents' house in Havana and I think it is cool to run a race in the town my dad grew up in. I'll also get to see Nate's parents and Coach Caton, which is always cool. Maybe this year I'll be able to beat that Hermann girl who smoked me by 13 seconds last year.


Nate M. said...

I'm excited to hear how the three big races go. Take care of that knee, so that you're healthy enough to break out a big race.

As for beating Hermann, I'd guess that this year is the year. You're faster now, and I get the impression that she hasn't done a lot this summer.

Aaron said...

I'm curious to see how the big three go myself. I think I'm capable of some good times and I hope my training all comes together.

The knee feels pretty good but I didn't run this morning because Nathan was up at 0300 and wouldn't go back down. I'm going to try to run tonight if it isn't too hot.

Nate M. said...

I'm toying with a 14-mile trail race in December, with the idea that I might do a brutal 20-mile event in February. We'll see. It probably depends in large part in how much I keep riding.