Saturday, March 1, 2008

13 miles and hungry

I ran my 13 today. It was in the low 40s with winds S 5mph. I was a bit sore from my tempo run and I didn't start my run today until almost noon. By the time I hit the ten mile mark in about 1:18 I was starting to fantasize about food. I finished up my run in 1:43:29 and actually ran a full 13.1 because I wanted to get back to my car real fast so I could eat. (My car was parked where the race used to end.) My post-high-school-second-coming PR for the half marathon is 1:43:23.

I wonder what I could do if I wasn't sore, hungry and was actually trying?


Nate M. said...

Great work. 6 seconds off a recent best is great work. I guess you'll find out what you can do when not sore/hungry and when trying in a few weeks.

Aaron said...

Yeah. That best isn't very recent. It was three years ago about 9 months after I started running again.

I have a huge mental block when it comes to the half marathon. In all three of my half marathons I have crashed right around the eleven mile mark and staggered into the finish.

Yesterday makes me feel a little better.

Nate M. said...

Over 10 miles, racing is a completely different beast, I think.

What did your mileage end up in February?

Aaron said...

I agree. I ran a decent 15k in late September in Decatur. The terrain is similar to my half coming up. I ran a bit over 7:00 pace but that was due to starting off with 7:30 pace the first 5k and running 6:55 pace the last 10k. It would be nice to replicate that in a month.

I covered 91.25 miles in Feb but would have had 100 if I hadn't caught that cold last weekend. My mileage is lagging behind last year's but I'm running much faster.

Last year was less tumultuous too.

Nate M. said...

Caton emailed me the other day. He's somehow managed 220+ miles so far this year, and that was as of maybe a week ago. I told him that I was pretty impressed.

Aaron said...

I imagine he'll be running the Delavan Half Marathon next weekend. He ran it last year in 1:38 or so.

Tell Coach I said hi and that I'll see him around this summer.

Nate M. said...

Thanks to our unseasonably mild weather, I had a pretty strong February. About 180 miles on the bike and 108 running. I'd really like to get to the point where I'm doing 250 and 125, but that's probably something like 35 hours a month, which is tough. 200 and 100 or so might be as much as I can realistically get in.

Aaron said...

I'd love to get out on the bike for a bit each week. It would help my knees. Maybe when it gets warmer and less windy. If I do this biathlon in June I'll NEED to get out on the bike to get my legs used to it.

I don't really care too much about mileage. I just want good results and no injuries. 108 miles has to be a record for the last year or so, am I right?

I'm going to go crank some rehab on my knee, the crowned roads and hills have tweaked it a bit.