Monday, March 3, 2008

Memory Lane

Looking back at my old logs from high school I noticed a few interesting workouts.

Starting with my junior year 1995:

2/22/95: The Can (our hilly 5 mile course) 30:48.79 (a PR at the time)
Mile splits of: 6:09, 6:05, 6:21, 6:10 and 6:02

Two days before the Can I ran 14 miles in 1:45:59, my longest run ever, at that time.

3/1/95: 6 x 1 mile (if I remember correctly, we would start a new repeat every nine minutes so we were getting a tad over three minutes rest.)
6:03, 5:59, 5:56, 5:41, 5:43 and 5:28.

My teammate Josh went under 6:00 for the first time this practice with a 5:46. He later ran PRs (his senior year, after only starting to run as a junior) of 17:28, 11:10 and 5:12. He finished his junior track campaign with PRs of 11:50 and 5:24. That guy worked his ass off.

My senior year, 1996, I ran a few interesting practices:

2/19/96: 12 miles in 1:29:02. It may not seem impressive but I never hurt during my long runs. In high school I could run 7:20 - 7:30 pace FOREVER.

2/21/96: 3 miles in 16:54.95
Mile splits of: 5:25.04, 5:36.07 (11:01.11), 5:53.84

This practice was a bet between me and Derek that I couldn't go under 17:00 in practice. I told him that day that I was going to run 2 miles as hard as I could, then hold on for dear life and that I would go under 17:00. He started me on my way and met me at each mile mark in his car and laughed his ass off when I crossed the line in 16:54. I think our bet was for ice cream or something.

3/4/96: 15 miles in 1:48:12. I ran 5 mile splits of 35:54, 36:51 and 35:26. Slowest mile was a 7:33, fastest was a 6:44 to close it out. I always got campus fever real bad the last two or three miles of my long runs. I still do.


Unknown said...

February 22nds are always nostalgic days for me, because I started a consecutive days streak on February 22 of 1992 that extended until November of 1999.

You did longer long runs than I did in high school. My junior year I did a lot of 10 milers and a few 12 milers, but we essentially never went over that. For fun, I think I did 16 once, and the summer before my senior year of cross country, I ran a 15 mile race (in about 1:28).

Unknown said...

Make that February 22 of 1993, not 1992.

Aaron said...

I did a lot of 10 and 12 mile long runs too. The only reason I ran longer runs of 15 and 17 was because the guy I ran with in the off season was training for Napa Valley my junior year and Boston my senior year. Long runs were a good way to get out of the house too. I did quite a few of my long runs alone my senior year.

I always looked forward to our first, and usually only, indoor meet of the season at Knox College. I usually ran an 800 and a 1600. I liked to see what I could do with no speed work. I ran 2:10.94 and 5:00.3 as a junior. As a senior I ran a 2:13 relay split and a 4:57.64 on very stiff legs.

That 15 mile race time is pretty nice. Where did you do that?

Nice streak too. I think I almost put together a 1 year streak my junior and senior year. I missed one or two days with a bad case of dehydration and an ice storm.

Nate M. said...

Race was in southern Minnesota. Ran it on the way back from a really awesome running camp.

We never ran any official indoor meets after my freshman year, but I always tried to get up to Sterling so that I could qualify for Top Times.

Nate M. said...

My senior year during track, we really backed off the mileage. Kevin had started running well, but he wasn't a big mileage guy. We kind of met in the middle so that we could do our workouts together. If he had become serious about running 1 year earlier, I'm convinced that he would've been an All-Stater in cross country.

Aaron said...

Especially with how slow all-state times were our senior year.

Nate M. said...

I will maintain that the temps that morning played some part in the times. It warmed considerably by the time the AA race rolled around, but many of the A runners ran significantly slower than their best time on the course.

Even so, I'll grant that 95 was part of a few year lull there where times were slow (arguably most notable in some of the 3200 times in the years that followed). But I think Kevin could have been up there even in a strong year. By the next fall, he was running just a shade over 26 for 8K.

Aaron said...

10:00 was 8th place in the 3200 our senior year. It made me regret not moving up in distance.

My main goal in track my senior year was to get our 4x800 team to State for Derek. I don't regret not moving up in distance at all.