Friday, March 7, 2008


Since my 13 mile jaunt last Saturday my left knee has been bothering me. I figured I had a bit of runner's knee flaring up until Thursday when I felt pain on the lateral side of my knee as I was walking down the stairs at work. It isn't really pain as much as it is stiffness and a "rubbing" sensation. I believe that I have a bit if ITBS.

Thanks to some exercises from my pal the Bionic Woman I have made tremendous strides in decreasing the level of irritation. However, I believe that running the LSA 5K tomorrow morning would be a very bad idea for my long term running goals this year. I have decided skip the race tomorrow and try to salvage my training for the Lincoln Memorial Half Marathon on April 5th.

In retrospect, I believe that the crowned roads on the old LMHM course contributed to my ITBS. I don't think I'll be running 13 mile runs out there any longer.

During my 3 mile run at 8:06 pace tonight I felt a bit of tightness but none of the stiffness I had during my 6 miles on Wednesday. I think I caught it early and hopefully the exercises and decreased mileage will ameliorate instead of exacerbate.


Van 1- Hall said...

I know what ya mean about the roads. You pretty much have to run straight down the middle or else your running at an angle. Thanks for the support and good luck overcoming the minor bump in the running road.

Aaron said...

I would run down the middle but the people around here don't pay attention to what is in the road as they're flying down them.

I felt pretty good last night so hopefully that trend continues.

I'm bummed that I missed my race though, I was pretty stoked to burn a 5K.

Nate M. said...

ITBS has been the bane of my existence. If my IT band or my PF is even the slightest bit tender, I get pretty conservative about things in a hurry.