Saturday, March 8, 2008


After waking up at 0600 with my son, feeding the both of us, washing the kid and the floors and emptying the dishwasher I made it outside for a run around 12:45. I warmed up with some shallow squats on the Total Gym and the exercises the Bionic Woman prescribed and headed outside to run. March up here is still chilly and temps were hanging out around 27 degrees. Throw in the wind and we had a wind chill of 19.

It has been a long winter and I'm ready for some warmer temps. I ran my easy days slower in the summer so I didn't overheat. I run my easy days too fast in the winter so I don't freeze to death. Spring and fall are in my Goldilocks zone, they're just right. The only bad thing about spring is the wind.

To make a potentially long, boring story a short, boring story, I ran four miles in 32:20 with mile splits of 8:05, 8:14, 7:57, and 8:04. My left knee felt much better but not better enough to make me thing about going back to my training schedule. The Lincoln Memorial Half is in four weeks and jumping back into my training schedule has more potential to hurt me than it does to help me improve in any way.

My mileage is quite a bit behind where it was at this time last year but I have run longer long runs and faster track work and tempo runs. I think I will still run well as long as I run a smart race early. I tell myself that every year and I never run smart in the early miles.

The plan is to run LSD miles this week. If my knee feels good at the end of the week I'll go from there.

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